profile Hendrig Sellik Software Engineer @ RingIT
Tallinn, Estonia

About Me

Hi, welcome to my home page. I am Hendrig, currently working as a software engineer at RingIT (Tallinn, Estonia). I hold a B.Sc. degree in Informatics from TalTech (Estonia) and an M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Delft University of Technology (Netherlands).

I specialize in software development, but I like everything related to technology and also have some experience in data science / machine learning. Feel free to reach out to me through Linkedin!

My Expertise


I have mostly worked with Java in the backend and my current experience spans 4 years. The databases backing those systems have been SQL based, such as PostgreSQL and Oracle DB.


I've worked with Vue and JSF (Primefaces) professionally. Since I've had experience in web development, I'm also familiar with React and tools such as NPM, Gulp, Sass and Yarn.

Machine Learning

Tensorflow Keras Numpy

During my studies at Delft University of Technology I have used Keras API running on top of Tensorflow to reproduce state-of-the-art research in addition to libraries such as numpy and pandas to ease data manipulation.


As a developer, I'm always looking for ways to enhance my workflow. The software I've used are the industry's standard, such as IntelliJ IDEA, git, AWS, Google Cloud and Tomcat Servlet.

Featured Projects

Software Engineer

  • Java (+Spring), Vue (Vuex), PostgreSQL, Google Cloud
  • RingIT, Tallinn, Estonia

Working on various fintech projects using industry standard technologies such as Java (Spring Boot), JS (Vue) and MySQL. Responsible for implementing new software features, integrating technologies such as HSM-s into existing applications or designing, developing and deploying new microservices.


Master Thesis on Machine Learning

  • Machine Learning, Code Reviews
  • TU Delft & Adyen, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Worked on a 9 month Master Thesis project in order to enhance code review process at Adyen, Amsterdam. The aim is to use novel artificial intelligence techniques in order to focus developers attention to code that is most likely containing bugs.

Check it out

Full Stack Developer

  • Java (+ Spring), JSF, Oracle DB
  • CGI, Tallinn,Estonia

Part of a team developing a large enterprise solution for Norway’s new national electrical grid system. Worked in an Estonian scrum team collaborating closely with Norwegian colleagues.


Attitude Determination Software Developer

  • MATLAB, Embedded C
  • TalTech, Tallinn, Estonia

Worked as a main contributor to TalTech’s first cube satellite mission, TTU100, in the area of attitude determination software as part of my Bachelor thesis. The paper was later chosen to be one of the best of the Information Technology Faculty in 2018.

Check it out

Full Stack Developer Intern

  • JHipster, Java (+Spring), Angular, SQL
  • Icefire, Tallinn, Estonia

Helped to build a custom tailored self-servicing website using latest technologies to the biggest Telecom company in Estonia.